With a new year comes new goals. Join a gym, eat healthier, de-clutter the house. One aspect of cleaning the place up could involve ridding yourself of older electronic devices. But do you throw them out? Recycle them? Maybe you could sell electronics for cash? Well, that is entirely up to you, but you can find help with that decision at your local computer repair store. There, they could help you determine if you should recycle or sell Rendezvousyour electronics. Some older technology holds – or even gains – value, while much of it does not. The folks at the computer store can sift through your electronics and point out the ones that are destined for the recycle bin, and the ones that they may be willing to purchase.

A place that sells refurbished computers is a good place to start when looking for someone to give you cash for electronics. They often thrive on the purchase of used computers. So, they will certainly know the difference between electronics that should be recycled and the ones that can be sold. Find a computer store near you and bring your electronics in. Ask them about their options and what they are willing to pay for the used computers. Even if the items are considered scrap, at least they can then be recycled properly, which is important. Googling something like “sell my laptop” would most certainly bring up options in your area for computer sellers near you.

Often times, old, broken electronics are destined for a recycling center. If a used laptop has major issues, or your old desktop is missing parts, chances are, it is better off being recycled than sold. You can take those items straight to an E waste drop off center in order to properly rid yourself of them. Keep in mind that this is the most environmentally friendly way to dispose of these items.

If you are looking to sell used electronics, start in a place where the people will know the value of what you have got. Make sure to keep an eye out for a computer store that sells refurbished computers, as that is a great option. Do not be afraid to recycle the items instead. You will not get money for that option, but you will have a cleaner house. If you want some cash for electronics, there may be someone out there willing to pay. You just have to know where to look.