Most businesses have adopted work-from-home practices in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Working from home is the new reality for most companies. Are you a small business owner with new employees who need to work from home or a new employee who needs IT support to get everything set up?
There are important considerations for businesses when their employees work from home like getting an employee setup quickly and the long-term impacts of web security for your business.
Here is a list of important security items that employees will need while working from home:
Secure WIFI
Use of the latest Antivirus/Malware protection
Cloud backup
DNS provider to block malicious websites and filter out harmful content
Company designated VPNs
Creation of strong passwords
Most home offices don’t have the benefit of a firewall or a cloud-connected router hardware that will keep their computer safe. It is imperative that employees use a secure WIFI that lowers the risk of potentially exposing company's data. Most home wifi routers have the potential for security issues and to ensure proper security, an IT professional can come in to ensure the setup is secure. DNS services provide further protection to prevent harmful malware or content from hitting a computer at home. It is also vital to have the latest antivirus or malware protection setup on the computer.
Desert Computer Solutions can help with all of your company's IT needs. We can send trained computer service technicians anywhere in the Arizona east valley. Our onsite IT services are perfect for business that have employees working from home or who are preparing the office network for when employees return. Call Desert Computer Solutions today at 602-295-5918 or learn more about our business IT services here.